
"What kind of sign they need when it all come from within?"

It's been five years since I wrote a song. There's no real reason. Bands break up, friends move away, and priorities change. Songwriting is something I used to take seriously, although perhaps not as seriously as I could have or should have. At the time that I gradually stopped doing it, with no band to write for, there certainly was no agonizing decision. There was no decision at all, just the realization that songwriting was something I used to do, but didn't do anymore.

Still, I miss it. I miss being creative. I miss starting with a chord sequence or guitar riff and crafting it into something cohesive, adding lyrics and trying to get it just right. I've continued to play guitar on occasion, as needed and when requested, although at a diminished rate. My chops (such as they were) are fading, mostly vanished with the callouses on the fingers of my left hand.

There's no need to turn this into a tortured aging parallel. Yes, I'm older. I have more responsibilities, less free time, fewer opportunities to engage in "unproductive" activities. Like I said, things change. That's how life is and I've known it for awhile. If I wanted to expend time, effort, and resources on writing and recording music again, I could. And I do want to.

Therefore, my self-imposed and non-binding agreement with myself is to get back to where I once belonged. I will write and record an original song by the end of the summer. I have a guitar. I have a microphone, pens, paper and recording software. I have a song title. I'll either succeed or experience crushing failure.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on this endeavor, Darius. I'm looking forward to the results. When I find the master tapes to your old demos I'll see if I can get them to your Ferndale address. Ya know, for inspiration.

